Asutype makes sure everything you type is mistake-free and fast, everywhere, all the time.
You can try it for free right now.
Runs on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (32- and 64-bit)
Asutype automatically detects and corrects all kinds of errors that you may make whilst typing.
Asutype does its job in a fully automatic manner.
Asutype gives you real-time feedback as you type both audibly and visually by highlighting the mistake/correction on the document you are working with. (Please note that this smart highlighting feature is available in all applications. Global highlighting is only available in Asutype. To our knowledge, there is no other spellchecker supporting this feature).
Asutype keeps track of all your errors and lets you review them at any time.
Asutype adapts itself to your keyboarding style and becomes more effective with use.
Asutype works at the Operating System-level and is available in all applications.
You can use Asutype to ensure mistake-free writing in any applications which do not support spell check features such as NotePad, WordPad, many e-mail composers, browsers or instant messenger applications, or in places a traditional spellchecker cannot be used; such as in dialog boxes, data entry fields or feedback forms.
You can use Asutype to replace your built-in spell checker that may be included in your particular application, because not only does Asutype provide a more convenient and automatic, on-the-fly correction that saves you time, but it also provides a single unique and consistent spell check engine that saves you effort and eliminates the redundancy in updating and maintaining several spell checkers used in different applications.
Download the FREE trial version |
Asutype's features
Asutype creates your text abbreviation items and types them back with a shortcut to increase typing speed.
Asutype gives you plenty of power over your text expander.
Asutype uses multiple clipboards simultaneously to ease your copy and paste editing.
Whether you are a hunt-and-peck typist or a touch-typing power user, Asutype will minimize your mistakes, speed up your typing, save you effort and make more efficient use of your time. You'll be happy - we guarantee it!