The Mistake Reviewer
The Mistake Reviewer allows you to review all of your previously made mistakes and help the software adapt to your way of typing:
The Search Box searches for mistakes in the current Mistake list.
- To search for an entry, enter your search term into the
Search Box. The software will automatically
search and select the closest entry in the
Content List as you type.
The Mistake List shows all the accumulated mistakes that you have made.
- The list can be sorted by any column in both ascending and
descending order. Click the
Column Header to change the order.
The Action Area allows you to take appropriate action on the selected mistake in the Mistake list.
How To...
Recognize a valid word
If you think a word listed in the Mistake list is a valid word, you might want to add it into your own spelling dictionary so
Asutype can recognize it and will not flag it as mistake the next time.
- Select the word in the list
- Click the "Spelling Add to" button to add the mistake to the current hot spelling dictionary.
If you want to add the word into another dictionary,
Click the ">>" button next to the "Spelling Add"
and choose the dictionary from the pop-up menu. The newly selected dictionary will become the current hot spelling dictionary.
- You can double click the word to quickly add it into the current hot spelling dictionary.
Recognize a frequently made mistake
If you think a mistake listed in the Mistake list is frequently made, you might want to add it along with
a correction into your own correction list and have it automatically corrected the next time you make the mistake.
- Select the mistake in the list
- Enter its correction into the "with the correction" box, or select a correction from the suggestion list.
- Click the "Correction Add to" button to add the mistake along with the correction to the current hot correction list.
If you want to add the correction into another correction list,
Click the ">>" button next to the "Correction Add"
and choose the correction list from the pop-up menu. The newly selected
list will become the current hot correction list.
- You can hold down the Control key and click a suggestion in the
suggestion list to quickly add the correction into the current hot
correction list.
Undo an addition

If you accidentally added a wrong word into a dictionary, or a wrong correction into a correction list, you can undo the addition using the
Hot Addition Reviewer:
- Either click the "Hot Addition Reviewer"
in the Main window, or press the
<Ctrl+Shift+A+H> hot key to activate the Hot Addition Reviewer.
- Select the accidental addition in the list and click the "Undo this addition" button.
The addition will be removed from the respective dictionary or correction
Delete a word from the list
- Select the word in the list.
- Click the "x" icon on the right hand side
of the selection.
Delete all words from the list
- Click the "Clear All"