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The Automatic Result Attributes
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When Asutype evaluates a variable from ASK, CHOOSE, XCHOOSE and TICK, it may create some additional result attributes automatically to help assessing the variable value easier in the subsequent processing of the shortcut. You can refer to a result attribute the same way you refer to a variable, by enclosing its name in {} bracket.

The name of a result attribute is the name of the variable, followed by a dot (.) then followed by the attribute name. For example, after running this hot code:

<LET:sport={CHOOSE} Pick a sport?=baseball|soccer|tennis|swimming>
and picking "swimming" option, Asutype will create these result attributes:
sport.question with the value of Pick a sport? representing the original question

sport.count with the value of 4 representing the four choices of the sport variable

sport.item1 with the value of baseball representing the item #1 of the list of choices

sport.item2 with the value of soccer representing the item #2 of the list of choices

sport.item3 with the value of tennis representing the item #3 of the list of choices

sport.item4 with the value of swimming representing the item #4 of the list of choices

sport.pick with the value of item4 representing the item #4 as the picked option

Code Result Attributes Example
<ASK> .question represents the question in the <ASK> code

.answer represents the answer in the <ASK> code

.question represents the question in the <CHOOSE> code

.count represents the number of choices in the <CHOOSE> code

.item1 represents the first choice in the the <CHOOSE> code

.item2 represents the second choice in the the <CHOOSE> code


.itemN represents the N-th choice in the the <CHOOSE> code

.pick is a comma separated list of picked items in the <CHOOSE> code. The items are named as item1 for the first, item2 for the second item, ..., itemN for the N-th item.

.answer represents the answer in the <CHOOSE> code
<TICK> .question represents the question in the <TICK> code

.answer represents the answer in the <TICK> code

.YYYY represents the result's year (with century) in the <TICK> code

.YY represents the result's year (without centery) in the <TICK> code

.MMMM represents the result's month name (in full form) in the <TICK> code

.MMM represents the result's month name (in short form) in the <TICK> code

.MM represents the result's month value (with leading zero) in the <TICK> code

.M represents the result's month value (without leading zero) in the <TICK> code

.DDDD represents the result's weekday (in full form) in the <TICK> code

.DDD represents the result's weekday (in short form) in the <TICK> code

.DD represents the result's day of month (with leading zero) in the <TICK> code

.D represents the result's day of month (without leading zero) in the <TICK> code

.HOUR12 represents the result's hour (in 12-hour format) in the <TICK> code

.HOUR represents the result's hour (in 24-hour format) in the <TICK> code

.MIN represents the result's minute in the <TICK> code

.SEC represents the result's second in the <TICK> code

.AMPM represents the result's AM or PM in the <TICK> code

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