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The Spelling Rules Options

The spelling rules options

This options group controls the spelling rules used in Asutype for spell checking.

Hyphen characters
Hyphen characters are characters that you use to combine several individual words to form a longer word, such as do-it-yourself or easy-to-use. By default, the hyphen mark is a hyphen character (-) and a forward slash (/).

Ignore words containing certain characters
If checked, Asutype will ignore words that contains certain specific characters, such as at (@) in your email addresses or dot (.) in file names. The software already ignores all words containing numbers.

Ignore undone words
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words that have been undone (by pressing CAPS LOCK key twice).

Ignore capitalized words
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words in capital Like This.

Ignore ALL CAPS words
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words in capital LIKE THIS.

Ignore MiXeD cAsE words
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words in mixed case LikeThis.

Ignore case sensitivity
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words that listed in a dictionary with other cases such as in capitals or ALL CAPS.

Ignore words beginning with certain prefixes
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words that beginning with a prefix in the prefix list. To view and/or edit the list, click the "Details" button.

Ignore words ending with certain postfixes
If checked, Asutype will ignore all words that ending with a postfix in the postfix list. To view and/or edit the list, click the "Details" button.

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Spell Check Anywhere You Type - Automatic Typos Correction - Word & Text Expansion - Automation