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The Mistake Corrections Options

The mistakes corrections options

This options group controls how Asutype checks and corrects your spelling on the fly.

Correct case of words automatically
If checked, Asutype will fix the case of words as they are listed in the open spelling dictionaries (e.g. if a word is listed as Capital, Asutype will capitalize it; if the word is listed as all UPPERCASE, Asutype will make every letter uppercase)

Correct accidental use of cAPSLOCK key
If checked, Asutype reverses the case of the letters that were capitalized incorrectly and then turns off the CAPS LOCK key.

Correct TWo INitial CApital error
If checked, Asutype changes the second letter to lowercase, except if the word is correct (e.g. it is in an open spelling dictionary) such as CDs or MHz.

Capitalize first letter of sentences
If checked, Asutype capitalizes the first letter of the first word in a sentence (i.e. the very first word you type after a question mark, an exclamation point or a full stop).

Note: Asutype will not capitalize sentences following a word listed in the Capitalization exception list (to view the list, see below).

To activate the Exceptions dialog box, where you can view and edit exceptions for the capitalization rule above.

Correct recognized mistakes
If checked, Asutype will automatically correct every recognized mistake as you type.

Correct unrecognized mistakes
If checked, Asutype will correct every unrecognized mistake as you type.

Correct unrecognized mistakes | Automatically without pop-up
If selected, Asutype will automatically guesses at a fix and corrects every unrecognized mistake as you type.


  • Use this option with caution, since the guessed correction may not be the word you intended to type.
  • The Asutype's running icon will change to the yellow shape Yellow icon means Asutype is automatic in this option.

Correct unrecognized mistakes | Interactively with pop-up and type
If selected, Asutype will immediately show you the Suggestion pop-up containing some options and have you choose or not choose one to correct a mistake as you type.

Correct unrecognized mistakes | Interactively with pop-up and wait
If checked, Asutype will immediately show you the Suggestion pop-up containing some options and stop your typing until you explicitly choose or reject a correction to correct the detected mistake.

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The smart all-in-one typing software for immediate mistake-free and fast typing!

Designed For:

Spell Check Anywhere You Type - Automatic Typos Correction - Word & Text Expansion - Automation