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The Current Build - Build-210419-1314 - April 19, 2021

  • Fixes the bug of ignoring case of input hot text
    Asutype now reflects to the case of input hot text correctly.
  • Fixes the bug of opening shared file in some special cases
    Asutype can now open a shared file in all cases correctly.
  • Makes the import/export file UNICODE by default
    So you can avoid accidental truncation of export data of some Unicode characters.

Previous Builds

Build-201015-1404 - October 15, 2020

  • Adds result attributes for <ASK>, <CHOOSE>, <XCHOOSE> and <TICK> hot codes
    You can now use special result attributes to simplify your macro in dealing with results from those hot codes.
  • Adds the <CASE> hot code for easier condition checking
    You can now use new <CASE> code to carry out conditional checking in your advanced macros.
  • Adds the <SCORE> hot code for easier score assignment
    You can now use new <SCORE> code to assign different values in your advanced macros.
  • Adds millisecond accuracy into the detailed usage logs
    You can now have the usage log in milliseconds.
  • Adds the conditional activity logs
    To help with debugging and fixing conflict issues you may have when using a special third party software.

Build-190616-2156 - June 16, 2019

  • Fixes the bug of locking up when there is a higher integrity level apps running in foreground
    Asutype can now work normally as expected when there is a higher integrity-level apps running in foreground.
  • Fixes the bug of inserting a V character after certain text pasting from the clipboard
    Now you can paste text from the clipboard correctly in all cases.
  • Adds the <REPEAT> hot code for controlling loop
    You can now use new <REPEAT> code to carry out loop in your advanced macros.
  • Adds simpler date/time hot codes
    You can now insert a date/time in your shortcuts using a much simpler (and easier to remember) codes.

Build-190416-2149 - April 16, 2019

  • Handles the size of the popup windows from <ASK>, <CHOOSE>, <XCHOOSE> and <TICK>boxes correctly
    Asutype can now resize the boxes automatically to fit the popup content.
  • Adds an optional delay to avoid accidental stopping of an expansion after closing a popup window
    You can now use Advanced option to fine tune the delay to avoid the accidental stopping.
  • Adds an option to change the text color of the suggestion popup window
    You can now set the text color for the suggestion popup window to suit your preferences.

Build-181212-2016 - December 12, 2018

  • Handles the click position within <ASK> box correctly
    You can now use the mouse to move the caret inside an <ASK> box.
  • Types the first letters to jump to the nearest item in a <CHOOSE> box
    You can now jump quickly to an item in a <CHOOSE> or <XCHOOSE> box by typing its first letters.
  • Uses default separator for <XCHOOSE> codes which do not provide an explicit separator
    The multiple results from an <XCHOOSE> no longer get masked together.

Build-180822-1126 - August 22, 2018

  • Allows recursive expansion of shortcuts within <ASK> box
    Asutype now can expand other shortcuts while typing in an <ASK> box.
  • Fixes the missing caret in the <ASK> box
    Asutype's <ASK> box now displays the caret correctly.
  • Fixed the bug of blank <ASK> code does not yield any result
    The <ASK> hot code now works correctly in Windows 10.
  • Fixed the bug of misidentification of certain TWo INitials
    Asutype now handles all TWo INitials words correctly.
  • Ability to change font for <ASK>, <CHOOSE> and <XCHOOSE> boxes
    You can now make the <ASK>, <CHOOSE> and <XCHOOSE> boxes bigger by using a larger font in the settings.

Build-180429-0916 - April 29, 2018

  • Made it Windows 10 compatible
    Asutype now works with Windows-store apps as well as conventional software programs running on Windows 10.
  • Added the ability to do integer division
    Asutype shortcuts now can do integer division besides the normal double precision division.
  • Added the hot code for asking and choosing date/time in advanced shortcuts
    Asutype now can ask to choose a date/time from a shortcut and act on it accordingly.
  • Added the ability to do calculations with date/time values
    Asutype now can process and handle date/time values in any mathematical form.
  • Added the Options button to the main interface
    You can now activate the Options dialog box directly from any tab in the main window.
  • Added the ability to log shortcut usage for statistics
    You can now log out all usage of spelling corrections and shortcut expansion to a text file, and use the file for statistical purposes if you wish.

Build-151130-1611 - November 30, 2015

  • Fixed the bug of user file list being ignored in the present of group file list
    Asutype now can load both group- and user-file list as expected.
  • Fixed the bug of being disabled after pressing the Windows log-out hot key Win+L
    Asutype now can recognize the Windows log-out hot key Win+L and acts accordingly.
  • Fixed the bug of ignoring the PopupShow0 configuration option
    Asutype now can handle the extra options in its suggestion pop-up window correctly based on its configuration settings.
  • Fixed the bug of reporting incorrect version in Windows 10
    Asutype now can report Windows 10 versions correctly.
  • Fixed the bug of <DELAY> code
    Asutype now can handle the <DELAY> hot code correctly.
  • Fixed the bug of using TAB key to trigger shortcuts
    Asutype now can ignore TAB as trigger key correctly if TAB is omitted from the Triggers list.
  • Added ability to specify a fixed position for the suggestion popup window
    Asutype now can put its suggestion popup window at a fixed location, if you want it to.

Build-150629-0643 - June 29, 2015

  • Fixed the bug of On/off hotkey
    Asutype now can turn itself back on from a disable state using the addition hotkey.
  • Added ability to delete a mistake in the Mistake Review using the DEL key
    You can now press the DEL key to remove the selected mistake in the Mistake Review.
  • Added ability to jump to a mistake in the Mistake Review
    You can now type a few keystrokes to jump to the nearest mistake in the Mistake Review.

Build-150518-1920 - May 18, 2015

  • Fixed the bug of intermittently losing some settings
    Asutype now can keep its settings as expected.
  • Fixed the bug of <Wow64> when shutting down Windows
    You can now shut down your Windows normally without seeing the error message of FanixWow64.

Build-150408-1807 - April 08, 2015

  • Fixed the bug of <xDRAG> dragging hot code
    Asutype can now drag the mouse correctly from the <xDRAG> hot code even with multi-monitor setup.
  • Fixed the bug of loosing Alt+Tab in Windows 8.1
    You can now use the Alt+Tab key to switch between running applications in Windows 8 and 8.1.
  • Added an option to lock a file using a configuration setting
    You can now use the new "LockingFileList" configuration entry to exclude certain files from editing.
  • Added an option to logging out mistakes
    You can now use the new "LoggingOutMistakes" configuration entry to turn off mistake logging.

Build-150211-2209 - February 11, 2015

  • Fixed the incompatibility bug with Photoshop's Protected mode
    Asutype can now work normally as expected with the Protected Mode of Photoshop and other Adobe products.
  • Fixed the bug of delay after a long expansion
    Asutype can now respond instantly to your continuous typing after a long expansion.
  • Fixed the bug of loosing the list of open files
    Asutype can now correctly keep the list of open files for the next run.
  • Added an option to specify in-word exception trigger characters
    You can now specify some trigger characters to be an in-word exception and Asutype will not expand any shortcut preceeded by these exceptions.
  • Added an option to not include the trigger character after an expansion
    Asutype can now do not include the trigger character after expansion of a shortcut containing a HERE code.
  • Added an option to hide the main window by pressing the Escape key
    You can now hide the main window by pressing the Escape key.
  • Added an option splash screen
    Asutype can now optionally show a splash screen at startup to notify its running.
  • Added an option to hide the main window at startup
    Asutype can now optionally do not show its window at startup.
  • Added a "»" character to the Support button
    To hint its popup menu.

Build 141105-1101 - November 05, 2014

  • Fixed the bug with the <END> hot code
    Asutype now can press the END key correctly.
  • Fixed the bug with aborting a running shortcut
    You can now correctly abort a running shortcut by presing either the ESC key or a mouse button.
  • Fixed the bug with exporting shortcuts to an ANSI text file
    Asutype now can correctly export shortcuts to an ANSI text file.
  • Fixed the bug with the external beep
    Asutype now can correctly beep using an external .wav file.

Build 140731-1612 - July 31, 2014

  • Added the Undo feature
    Asutype now can undo/redo the last editing action in Shorcut Editor, Correction Editor and Spelling Editor.
  • Added the ability to remember the file extension of the last file opening action
    Asutype now can remember and automatically use the extension of the last file opening action.
  • Fixed the bug with the Open File/Save File dialog boxes
    Asutype now puts the file extension correctly into the Windows Open File dialog box, without the need of fixing the DataFolder setting.
  • Fixed the bug with the <UNLOAD> hot code
    Asutype now refreshes the screen correctly after using the <UNLOAD> code.

Build 130820-0848 - August 20, 2013

  • Fixed the bug in the case of IF code variables
    The IF code now can handle the case of variables correctly, even if a variable is defined in ALL CAPS.
  • Fixed the bug in handling IF code conditional checks
    The IF code now can check its conditions correctly if the expression uses the verbal AND and OR logical operators instead of && and || notations.
  • Fixed the rare crash bug in some games running under Windows 8
    Asutype now works normally with graphic-intensive games in Windows 8.
  • Fixed the bug with numeric hotkeys in the popup window
    The numeric hotkeys in Asutype's popup window are now always available.
  • Fixed the Shift key error when running with a VM in Full Screen mode
    Asutype now can work correctly with a virtual machine running in Full Screen mode.
  • Fixed the bug of the buttons in the ASK window being cut off
    Asutype ASK window now show all the buttons correctly.
  • Automatic loading of default files in multi-user machine
    Asutype now can load default data files automatically from a different login user name.
  • Added an option to delete list items from the context menu
    You can now delete a list item by right clicking the item and choose the Delete command from the popup menu.

Build 130525-1004 - May 25, 2013

  • Fixed the problem with backspacing after an apostrophe
    Asutype now can handle backspacing normally after expanding a non-trigger, space-ending shortcut.
  • Fixed the occasional "FanixWow not found" error
    Asutype now will not show the "FanixWow32 not found" or "FanixWow64 to found" errors occasionally.
  • Fixed the big with extended Unicode file names
    Asutype can now handle extended Unicode file names correctly.
  • Fixed the ALLCAPS error with very short hot text
    Asutype now can expand a shortcut in ALLCAPS correctly even if the hot text is only 1-letter long.

Build 130508-1537 - May 08, 2013

  • Added a right click context menu for the shortcut editor's Content box
    The Content box now provides a right click context menu for common editing tasks.
  • Added a <QUOTE> hot code for typing the quote character (")
    The software now handles a single quote character mixed with other hot codes correctly using the <QUOTE> hot code.
  • Improved tooltips for viewing shortcuts
    The shortcut list's tooltip now does not cover its original line, making the list easier to browse.
  • Fixed the problem with changing display fonts
    Changing the display fonts now does not need to restart the software.
  • Fixed the Hint window being cut off when using with maximized FireFox browser
    The Hint window now is shown normally with the maximized FireFox and a few other special applications.
  • Fixed the clear highlighting problem with Outlook panels
    The Clear Highlighting command now clears all underlines in Outlook panels as expected.

Build 130424-1815 - April 24, 2013

  • Adopted a more neutral default color scheme
    The software now starts with a less radiccal color scheme. You can still change its look easily if you wish.
  • Adjusted itself to the larger monitor font
    The software can now adjust itself to the change of the monitor font automatically, instead of you have to go in and adjust the TaskColumnWidth yourself.
  • Fixed the refresh problem in the Advanced Options dialog box
    The software can now refresh itself correctly while editing the Advanced options.

Build 130422-1121 - April 22, 2013

  • Added the convenience of Main window activation
    You can now copy a text into the clipboard and activate the Main window using the configurable hotkey <Ctrl+Shift+A+M> to have the text conveniently put into the correct edit box ready to be added into the current dictionary or data list.
  • Restored the AutoPaste option to expand text using clipboard
    The software can now use the clipboard to paste longish text content. This feature is configurable through the Advanced Options box.
  • Fixed the problem of swapped mouse buttons
    The software can now handle the mouse with button swapped correctly.
  • Fixed the problem of missing right click
    The software can now handle right click correctly with or without using the Gesture option.
  • Fixed the problem of being frozen when launching the Technical Support dialog box
    The software can now handle the Technical Support dialog box correctly.
  • Fixed the problem of being frozen in graphics-rich applications
    The software can now work normally with graphics-rich applications such as games.

Build 130417-0831 - April 17, 2013

  • Fixed the problem of logging off without closing the software
    The software can now retain its preferences if you log off Windows without closing Asutype first.
  • Fixed the problem of hot texts containing characters entered using AltGr key
    The software can now expand shortcuts containing characters entered using AltGr key on a non-US keyboard layout.

Build 130416-0703 - April 16, 2013

  • Fixed the problem of read-only Data folder
    The software can now save its data and settings into its data folder, even if the folder is marked as read-only.
  • Fixed the problem of mix of non-Latin and Latin text expansion
    The software can now expand text containing both Latin and non-Latin text using a non-Latin keyboard layout.
  • Addition to the Capitalization Exception dictionary
    The entry "i.e." has been added to the "capital.exception" dictionary.
  • Fixed the problem of launching a help page in the Trial version
    The Trial version can now launch the help page on its error messages.

Build 130411-0623 - April 11, 2013

Initial release of version 5.0

Asutype 5.0 is a big update from version 4.0 with some radical changes in the user interface and internal working engine to achieve an overall easier-to-use, more stable and enterprise friendly system.

  • New, simple user interface
    Version 5.0 gathers the Spelling Dictionaries, Correction Lists, Shortcut Lists and Mistake Review dialog boxes into the main user interface with each dialog box on a tab, so we can now switch from one tab to another easily.
    The editing forms are redesigned to use much less buttons, resulting in a leaner and cleaner interface.
  • Automatic saving
    Asutype 5.0 automatically saves all working data, resulting in an easier-to-use system and reducing the risk of losing data.
  • Syntax highlighting for hot codes
    For easier to edit shortcuts, especially macro heavy shortcuts.
  • Tooltip for list items
    The data editing lists now have multi-line tooltips to show its content if the content is too long to fit in the view.
  • Sorting columns
    The data editing lists can now be sorted by any column in both ascending or descending order.
  • Ability to move or copy entries from one open file to another
    With this new functionality, Asutype 5.0 makes organizing and sharing your data entries easier.
  • Full text search support
    Asutype 5.0 comes with a separate Search box to improve searching capability. It supports full text search on your data, especially on the Content field of your shortcuts, making finding your shortcuts a lot easier.
  • Show "Last Time" column in the Mistake Review
    Allows you to sort mistakes by time, as well as easier to review latest mistakes.
  • New Hot Addition Reviewer
    For quickly undo any accidental addition of spelling/mistakes from either the Suggestion pop-up or from the Review.
  • Ability to put each hot code in a separate line
    For a cleaner and more readable shortcut with heavy hotcode usage.
  • New {CALCULATE} hot code
    For mathematical calculation in shortcuts.
  • New <PAUSE> and <STOP> hot codes
    For control the flow of hot code processing.

This upgrade also includes other minor fixes and improvements.

© 2024, Fanix Software. All rights reserved.
The smart all-in-one typing software
for immediate mistake-free and fast typing!

Designed For:

Spell Check Anywhere You Type - Automatic Typos Correction - Word & Text Expansion - Automation